Excellence in patient outcomes is a priority for the entire team at NOSS, and we will bring decades of experience to your treatment. We specialize in minimally invasive procedures and our board-certified fellowship trained surgeons will support you on your path to wellness.
Same-day appointments available
Our Neurosurgery team is committed to providing you with timely appointments. Same-day appointments are often available for urgent specialty care for patients in need of immediate medical attention. To request an appointment call 203-755-6677 or click below.
Work-related Injury?
Our experienced team of Neurosurgeons are here to provide care for your work-related injury or illness, and return you to the activities you enjoy. Our administrative specialists understand the Workers’ Compensation claims process and can help you navigate through it.
Board-Certified and Fellowship Trained Experts
NOSS neurosurgeons are board-certified and fellowship trained, reflecting their superior experience and capabilities in caring for neck and spine injuries, disorders and degenerative conditions.
How we can help
For more information about spine, cervical and brain care at NOSS, or to schedule an appointment, call 203-755-6677. Or request an appointment by clicking the link below.
Understand Your Condition
Our Neurosurgeons take time to educate and collaborate to form a treatment plan specific to your spine, cervical or brain injury or condition with the goal of helping you understand your options.
Get Your Life Back
If your back hurts and you don’t know why, or you’ve tried treatments that haven’t worked, it is time for you to Experience Excellence with NOSS. If you have a condition that has gone undiagnosed, our board certified fellowship trained physicians will provide a diagnosis and support you returning to the activities you enjoy.
Experience Excellence
The multi-disciplinary approach at NOSS means our Neurosurgeons can follow their patients at every step of their journey to better health. From initial consultations through advanced surgical techniques, our team is here to ensure that you have an excellent experience.