Our Orthopaedic experts specialize in many specific areas covering sports medicine, worker’s compensation injuries, shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, and knee surgeries, joint replacement, and more.
Same-day appointments available
Our Orthopaedic team is committed to providing you with timely appointments. Same-day appointments are often available for urgent specialty care for patients in need of immediate medical attention. To request an appointment call 203-755-6677 or click below.
Work-related Injury?
Our experienced team of orthopaedic surgeons are here to provide care for your work-related injury or illness, and return you to the activities you enjoy. Our administrative specialists understand the Workers’ Compensation claims process and can help you navigate through it.
Upper Extremities
If you injure your shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand, you want an experienced surgeon capable of the most advanced surgical techniques to diagnose and repair these injuries.
Dr. Manzo and Dr. Shaughnessy with their board certified fellowship training provide an increased level of expertise. They listen, take time for you, and provide you with a treatment plan specific to your condition.
Joint Replacement
Sometimes your best outcome could require total or partial joint replacement. Dr. Flynn and our team of specialists utilize many years of training and experience to educate and inform you of your treatment options and collaborate with you on the option that is best for you.
Sports Medicine
Whether you’re a professional athlete, a high school pitcher, or a weekend tennis player, Dr. Watson and other NOSS specialists return you to the activities you enjoy. From advanced surgical techniques to in-office procedures we are able to provide you with comprehensive care.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options
NOSS provides a variety of non-surgical treatment options. We offer pain management procedures, fluoroscopic guided injections, chiropractic care, acupuncture treatments and EMGs as options for relieving pain and discomfort as an alternative to surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I contact the doctors for advice?
Yes, we are here to help return you to your quality of life as quickly as possible. Our board-certified and fellowship trained specialists are here to listen, educate you on your condition, and provide advice.
What should I do if I have concerns?
Your concerns are our concerns. We will talk you through every step of any procedures or recommendations we have for you. Ultimately, we will develop a plan that you’re comfortable with and support you on your path to recovery.
Will information about me be safe and secure?
At NOSS we pride ourselves on patient information security and your privacy as our patient. Please refer to our Health Information Privacy page for more information about your privacy and the security of your information.