
Navigating Spine Surgery: Assessing Your Candidacy for Lumbar or Cervical Procedures

Spine surgery can be a life-changing decision, offering relief from debilitating pain and restoring mobility and function. However, determining whether someone is a candidate for lumbar or cervical surgery requires careful consideration and evaluation by a team of experienced medical professionals. At Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics & Spine Specialists (NOSS), we understand the complexities of spine surgery…


St. Mary’s Hospital and NOSS

When it comes to lumbar and cervical surgery, collaboration is key to providing comprehensive and effective treatment solutions for patients. At NOSS, we are proud to partner with institutions like St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury, Connecticut, to deliver exceptional care to our community. Our collaboration with St. Mary’s Hospital goes beyond a mere partnership; it’s…


Understanding the Differences: Ligaments vs. Tendons

In the world of sports medicine, injuries to ligaments and tendons are common, yet there often exists confusion about their roles and the nature of the injuries they sustain. Both ligaments and tendons are crucial connective tissues in the body, but they serve different functions and are prone to different types of injuries. Here’s a…


Joint Replacement: From Diagnosis to Recovery

If you’re contemplating joint replacement surgery, you may find yourself wading through a sea of information, some of which could be misconceptions that cloud your understanding of what to expect. At NOSS, we aim to provide clear, concise insights into the realities of joint replacement, including what leads to the need for surgery, the process…


Optimizing Your Home Office: The Role of Chiropractic Care for Remote Workers

The shift to remote work has become a permanent reality for many in Connecticut and beyond. While working from home offers flexibility and convenience, it also presents unique challenges for our physical health, particularly our spine and posture. At NOSS, we recognize the importance of maintaining spinal health in a remote work environment and advocate…


Welcoming Spring: How the Change of Seasons Can Benefit Those with Joint Pain

As we bid farewell to the cold, harsh winter, the arrival of spring brings more than just blooming flowers and warmer weather. For individuals experiencing joint pain, the change of seasons can be a welcome relief and an opportunity to rejuvenate their bodies. At NOSS, we’re here to guide you on how to make the…


The Mind-Body Connection: How Stress Management Can Reduce Pain

Chronic pain can be an unwelcome companion that affects every aspect of our lives. At NOSS, we believe in a conservative approach to patient care. This means that we’ll take the most effective route that causes the least amount of risk to a patient’s long-term well-being. We don’t rush to surgery or medicine until we…


The Power of Collaboration: Embracing a Multidisciplinary Approach in Neurosurgery

In the world of modern medicine, the complexities of neurological disorders demand a comprehensive and united front. Neurosurgery, a field at the forefront of medical innovation, has increasingly recognized the immense value of a multidisciplinary approach. Collaborating with various medical specialties isn’t just a trend; it’s a crucial strategy that enhances patient care, treatment outcomes,…


Migraine Causes, Treatments, and Differential Diagnoses

Migraines are far more than just ordinary headaches; they are complex neurological events that can be severely debilitating. Millions of people around the world suffer from migraines, making them a significant global health concern. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes, treatment options, and common misconceptions surrounding migraines, including the types of…


Understanding Back Pain: Differentiating Muscle Strains, Nerve & Disc Pain, and Treatment Options

Back pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. It can range from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain, impacting one’s quality of life. To effectively manage and treat back pain, it’s essential to understand its causes, types, and treatment options. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the construction…